I feel like writing a poem
but by a poem I mean
whatever it is that comes to this mind
I will not feel bad.
I will not feel sad.
If I am lucky, I will feel just enough to fill the void
that makes me spiral until I’m paranoid
I feel like bowing my head,
counting my Blessings,
and asking the real questions:
Were those thoughts placed
so that they could be erased?
Was I given a sign
or did I make it?
I don’t live in regret.
but I do feel that I let
You down
I must admit
Not to You
or to her
but to myself:
I did feel.
what I had felt
Now my heart churns
Now my brain will melt
As I wrestle with the fact
That though I did not act
I did in my heart.
And you have become
A sight for my sore eyes
as sore turns to teary
and as teary turns to weary
I’m exhausted:
Suffer the consequences
no longer
to be stronger
Because who am I
without a mind?
And without seeking
what will I find?
If I’m not looking
Then I can’t be found
Which means
I’m no one
Except I’m never not One
EveryOne is SomeOne
A child in a store
without his ―
but not abandoned
I’m at peace.
I haven’t been stranded.
I will not give up.
I am not a façade.
I will pick myself up.
And by the grace of God
I will love.
the Way he had intended
I knew how all along.
But had never extended
My hand
in an upward motion
Until my eyes
like the ocean
Raging and violent
Pour out and over
as my heart sinks lower
but my soul grows lighter
is what I’ve been gifted
Few and far between
Now my tears ween.
Because I don’t feel bad.
Because I don’t feel sad.
Not any longer
Because now I’m stronger
I know.
And only wish
I could have
known before
If only
a heart
speak to say
Love hurts.
but only when
it’s taken
for granted